
Undergoing body contouring surgery is a very personal decision and one must have the proper information at their disposal before going through with the procedure. At Conkright Aesthetics, we make it a point to meet patients where they're at and empower them to make decisions they can be confident in. Call Dr. Conkright today at (812) 842-0240 to learn more about the various body contouring techniques we offer!

Lipoplasty (Liposuction)

Is Lipoplasty a good way to lose weight?
No. Lipoplasty is not a weight loss method or a cellulite removal technique; it is a surgical procedure to balance and sculpt the body. In fact, it is less effective for people who are obese. It is best for those who are near their ideal weight, yet have one or more areas that do not respond to weight loss or exercise.
Will the fat come back after Lipoplasty?
Because Lipoplasty permanently removes many of the fat cells in treated areas, few fat cells remain that can expand. For that reason, you may gain less weight there than in other areas of your body that weren’t originally treated. The key to proper weight control is a healthy diet and exercise.
How many areas can be treated at one time?
The number of areas that can be treated at one time depends on your height, weight and other individual factors. As a rule of thumb, the thinner you are, the more areas you can have treated. Dr. Conkright will carefully determine the number of areas that can be treated safely.
How long will the benefits of Lipoplasty last?
The benefits of Lipoplasty are permanent in the areas treated as long as your weight remains consistent. With realistic expectations and proper body maintenance, you can be satisfied with the results of your plastic surgery for many years to come.

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

Is there much pain associated with an Abdominoplasty?
The amount of pain associated with this procedure is quite variable. Some patients note a moderate amount of discomfort and for some it is more intense, but certainly there is some discomfort.
Is there a lot of swelling involved with an Abdominoplasty?
There is a bit of swelling involved with an Abdominoplasty. You must take into account that Abdominoplasty is surgery and with this type of surgery and depending upon the case, a lot of tissue is removed.
What is recovery like for an Abdominoplasty? Will there are scars?
Recovery time ranges from 2 weeks to a few months, but with a balanced diet and regular exercise results are long-lasting. Abdominoplasty will leave a permanent scar stretching between the hips, although it should be low enough for even a bikini to conceal it. Patients who have had previous abdominal surgery should know that their old scars could be raised, stretched or generally more noticeable after the procedure.
How long does an Abdominoplasty last?
This procedure can last for many, many years. If there are no large weight gains, and no pregnancies after the tummy tuck then the changes will be relatively permanent. Certainly some relaxation of the tissues can reoccur but not to the extent prior to surgery.

Call Dr. Conkright To Learn More About Body Contouring!

Interested in the benefits of body contouring and wondering whether you are a candidate for treatment? Dial (812) 842-0240 today or fill out the form in our contact page. Dr. Conkright looks forward to serving you and helping you achieve your aesthetic goals!